Welcome Message

On behalf of the Medical Particle Beam Research Group (MPBRG), it is my great pleasure to thank all those who are interested in the MPBRG and welcome your visit to our homepage.

Our research group, by sharing the accurate understanding and expert knowledge of therapeutic particle beam radiation, which has attracted much research and attention in domestic and foreign countries, has been expanding the base of medical particle beam research in Korea and becoming a reliable research group in domestic medical particle radiation field. It will be soon one year since its establishment on June 10, 2016 with the aim of establishing the basis for future research and development of the Asian Oceanic Radiation Society.

More than 160 people attended the first symposium held together with the inaugural general meeting, and more than 80 people attended the first educational program held on November 11th and 12th, 2016. Based on these experiences, we were able to identify the need for research on medical particle beam radiation.

Our research group is aiming at a wide-open research society for medical particle physicists, physicians (clinical research), engineers (accelerators), radiation biologists, dose planners and medical particle radiation equipment makers.

We have established an internet homepage this year to celebrate the first anniversary of our founding and to develop into a more informed and faithful research society based on our valuable experiences of last year. We promise to be a research society that can help all members who are interested in MPBRG and contribute to the development of medical particle beam radiation research in Korea.

With sincere thanks,

May 18th, 2017
Younghoon Ji, Ph.D
President of Medical Particle Beam Research Group (MPBRG)
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