2021년 제6회 의료입자방사선연구회 및 제2회 입자치료연구분과 공동 심포지엄
6th Medical Particle Beam Research Group and 2nd Particle Therapy Research Division Joint Symposium
일자: 2021년 10월 22일 (금) ~ 10월 23일 (토)
장소: 강원도 홍천 소노벨비발디파크 D동 3층 그랜드볼룸
Theme: Particle Therapy, Clinical Applications Supported by Emerging Technologies & Research
22rd Oct (Fri)
Time Subjects Speaker/Modulator
10:00-10:20 Registration  
10:20~10:30 Welcome Address Young Hoon Ji (President of MPBRG)
Joo-Young Kim (Chief of PTRD)


Congratulatory Address

Sung Hwan Kim (President of KOSRO)
Se Byeong Lee (President Elect of KSMP)
Seong-In Kim (President of Gangwon TP)
10:40~10:50 Congratulatory Address J Flanz (PTCOG Chair)
Session 1: Status of Particle Therapy in Korea Moderator:
Joo-Young Kim (NCC)/Yeon-Sil Kim (CMC)
10:50~11:00 Proton Therapy at National Cancer Center Korea Yang-Gun Suh (NCC)
11:00~11:10 Proton Therapy at Samsung Medical Center Hee Chul Park (SMC)
11:10~11:20 Development of Carbon Ion Treatment at Yonsei University

Ik Jae Lee (YCC) 

11:20~11:30 Development of Carbon Ion Treatment at Seoul National University

Jaeman Son (SNUH) 

11:30~13:00 Lunch
Session 2A: Biology and Clinic Applications of Particle Therapy (Gland Ballroom) Moderator:
Jin Hee Kim (DSMC)/Hee Chul Park (SMC)
13:00~13:30 Clinical Dose Distribution of Proton Beam based on LET and RBE Modeling

Se Byeong Lee (NCC) 

13:30~14:00 The Emerging Radiobiology with Particle Beam Therapy

Joo Ho Lee (SNUH) 

14:00~14:30 Combining Heavy-Ion Therapy with Immunotherapy

Kyung Hwan Kim (YCC) 

14:30~15:00 Proton Beam Therapy for Hepatic, Pancreatic, and Biliary Cancers

Gyu Sang Yoo (SMC) 

Session 2B: Gangwon Technopark's Cooperation Meeting (Emerald) Moderator:
Man Jong Kim (Gangwon TP)
13:00~14:00 Harmonization for Cooperation between Korea Startup and Global Medical Companies in the Radiation Field

Varian(HDX), IBA, RaySearch, DK, MaJungjiYeon, HanBeam, WITHUSMEDITECH, ELEKTA, BnB, GE, CHUNSUNG 

14:00~15:00 Panel Discussion
15:00~15:20 Coffee Break
Session 3: Planning and Motion Control for Particle Therapy Moderator:
Young Kee Oh (DSMC)/Joo Ho Lee (SNUH)
15:20~15:50 Investigation of Respiratory Motion Management Techniques in Proton Therapy

Sungkoo Cho (SMC) 

15:50~16:20 Image Guidance for Motion Management in Particle Therapy

Minsoo Chun (Chung-Ang Universtiy) 

16:20~16:50 Proton Planning Practice in KNCC with Varian Eclipse

Jong Hwi Jeong (NCC) 

16:50~17:20 Planning Strategy of Proton and Carbon in RayStation

Seyjoon Park (YCC) 

17:30~18:00 MPBRG General Meeting (Gland Ballroom)
PTRD General Meeting (Ruby II)
18:00 Banquet

23rd Oct (Sat)
Time Subjects Speaker/Modulator
Session 4: New Technology of Particle Therapy I (Local Science & Technology Group Session) Moderator:
Young-Nam Kang (CMC)/Yang-Gun Suh (NCC)
09:30~09:50 Development of Video-based QA Youngyih Han (SMC)
09:50~10:10 AI in Radiation Oncology Jin Sung Kim (OncoSoft)
10:10~10:30 Establishment of Test Bed for the Medical Linear Accelerator Jinho Choi (Remedi)
10:30~10:45 Coffee Break
Session 5: New Technology of Particle Therapy II (Vendor Session) Moderator:
Myonggeun Yoon (Korea University)/Jae Myung Noh (SMC)
10:45~11:10 Shaping the Future of Proton Therapy – Conformal®FLASH Swati Girdhani (IBA)
11:10~11:35 Updates about Proton Therapy FLASH including First Patient Treatments TBA(Varian)
11:35~12:00 Leading Innovations in Proton Therapy with Mevion S250i Proton Therapy System

Armin Langenegger (Mevion) 

12:00~12:25 Current Status of Development of Proton Linear Accelerator based Boron Neutron Capture Therapy System (A-BNCT System)

Hyo Jung Seo (Dawonmedax) 

12:25~12:50 Particle Beam Characterization and FLASH Therapy Measurements during Quality Assurance Procedures

Marco Lavagno (DETECTOR) 

12:50 Closing Remarks Young Hoon Ji (President of MPBRG)
Joo-Young Kim (Chief of PTRD)
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